Saya mewakili Lian Padukan Pulau Pinang ingin mengucapkan selamat menyambut bulan Ramadhan al-mubarak kepada kesemua warga-warga Lian Padukan. Amat diharapkan agar kita dapat bersama - sama memanfaatkan bulan Ramadhan ini dengan menambahkan lagi amal ibadah sunat disamping ibadah ibadah yang wajib. Seruan saya, marilah kita bertaubat diatas segala salah laku yang pernah kita lakukan. Rendahkanlah diri kita dengan keinsafan, kemaafan. Hindarkanlah atau tinggalkanlah kedengkian, hasad, sombong, ujub. Insya - Allah, keberkatan pasti ada. Ingatlah bahawa segal hal diduni adalah berpunca dari Islam sedangkan Solat adalah tiangnya.
Dan di kesempatan ini juga saya ingin mengucapkan ribuan atau jutaan TERIMA KASIH dari kami ahli Lian Padukan Penang kepada Cikgu Hisyam Giant. Kerana cikgu yang bawa Lian Padukan kepada kami (dengan izin Allah) tanpa rasa jemu, tanpa mengira wang ringgit, tanpa mengira masa dan tanpa mengira JARAK. Tak tahulah sekiranya wujud lagi guru seperti kamu pada masa akan datang. Doa kami, semoga Allah membalas jasa cikgu dengan keberkatan, kekuatan, ketenangan dan kejayaan. Insya Allah, kami sentiasa berada bersama cikgu.
Kepada ahli Lian Padukan Penang, dalam bulan puasa juga insya Allah akan diadakan kelas tapi mungkin disebelah petang. Hal ini akan dikelolakan oleh Pak Sheikh.
Sekian dari saya,
Faqir Allah
Saturday, August 7, 2010
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Sifu Luke visit to Lian Padukan

Last week, was a memorable weekend for me and Lian Padukan Academy. I am hosting Sifu Luke Holloway from Japan. Actually, he is from Australia but resides in Japan. The week earlier, he was involved with the Lion Dance International Competition in Genting Higlands. Anyway his priority was to give some donations to the orphanages in Shah Alam, Kelang, Gombak and Kampar Perak. Part of his collection conducting seminars and teaching in Japan and Europe last year and this year were for these orphanges.
The 2 days before his departure to Australia ( to conduct his seminar in Melbourne ) we spent together talking on silat, martial arts and checking out our styles.
He did spend an hour with some of Lian Padukan members sharing his experience teaching the arm forces, police and security worlwide. He demonstrated some of the techniques of demobilizing people, crowd control and disarmament of guns/knife. One thing I noticed was his way of alertness and awarness was similiar taught in Lian Padukan. Always 'cega' and 'curiga'.. He 's experienced as a bodyguard and bouncer helps him a lot. He wanted something that is applicable to his job ( as a bodyguard ) and also in his teaching for the security. He said "no point of learning a beautifull and flowery form of art/ silat/ martial arts but is not applicable. He has been shot at, bottles and chairs thrown at him, cut by knifes and involved in fights. Those kind of styles will not help him. As one of the guru said, if you want to learn to dance go to a dancing school. In LIAN PADUKAN we teach you how to fight...
He also came to our training class the next day.I told him about Lian Padukan and showed him our stlye and he agreed. He did show some of the human weapon footage to his japanese students before comming to Malaysia and they wanted sifu Luke to check us out. InsyaAllah if all goes well, we will have the chance of teaching the japanese the " ART of LIAN PADUKAN" - "LIAN PADUKAN - Street Fighting ".
Sifu Luke, did ask me what do I want?
I told him, as a member of Lian Padukan as a Khatam Guru as a secretary of Lian Padukan Malaysia and also my personal wish to make my grandmaster proud by making LIAN PADUKAN being taught outside of Malaysia. It is the least contribution I could do to my grandmaster Hj Mohammed Hasyim and LIAN PADUKAN.
As for me, I just do it for LIAN PADUKAN and the generation to come ( including my kids ) . We must show a good examples to them and teach them the right way to grow with and hopefully others will follow. We do not care what others think or like/ dislike or comments about us. These negative and bad intention people and comments will not get you anywhere. They will just rot anyway in the end....
In other words you just have to WALK THE TALK....
Likewise in business, if you like my products, you will definately buy from me IF NOT you will go looking somewhere else. It is simple as that !!
I am Lian Padukan. Lian Padukan is Hisham Giant.
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